Octopath Traveler 2 – Semi-Blind on Steam – 16 – Temenos the Inquisitor

Octopath Traveler 2 – Semi-Blind on Steam  – 16 – Temenos the Inquisitor

Octopath Traveler 2 - Semi-Blind on Steam  - 16 - Temenos the Inquisitor

I’m doing my first blind (at least until I run into an obstacle) playthrough of Octopath Traveler 2! Octopath Traveler 2 is a turn-based Japanese role playing game with familiar mechanics from the first game joined by some shiny new mechanics! It is rated T for Teen for story, cursing, and dark themes. Combat isn’t gory. I look forward to more HD 2D pixel art and I hope you will too, dear viewer!

Octopath Traveler 2 is described on its Steam Page as Follows:

“The story takes place in Solistia, a land comprising an eastern and western continent divided by the sea.

It is a bustling era, wherein large vessels navigate busy sea routes and the power of steam gives birth to new technologies.

Some people thrill to glamorous stars of the stage and industry, while others are brought to tears by war, plague, and poverty.

In this faraway realm, eight travelers hailing from different regions venture forth for their own reasons. Step into their shoes and explore the land as you see fit, using their unique talents to aid you along your journey.

Embark on an adventure all your own.
Begin your adventure as one of eight new travelers, each with their own origins, motivations, and unique skills.

The series’ HD-2D graphics, a fusion of retro pixel art and 3DCG, have reached even greater heights.

The story takes place in Solistia, where diverse cultures thrive from east to west and the industries of the new era flourish. You can sail the seas and explore every corner of a world that changes from day to night.

Each traveler has a unique set of Path Actions they can use to battle townspeople, obtain items, take others along in their travels, and more.

Where will you go? What will you do? Every path is yours to take.
Familiar mechanics from the original game have been preserved, like the freedom to develop your travelers’ jobs and skills, as well as the Break and Boost system that made battles so exhilarating. New mechanics have also been added.”

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