「オクトパストラベラー2」睡眠用BGM 夜Ver メドレー/リラックス・安眠・作業用

「オクトパストラベラー2」睡眠用BGM 夜Ver メドレー/リラックス・安眠・作業用

0:00 Title Screen Night
02:42 Toto haha Night
06:29 The Harborlands Night
10:40 The Brightlands Night
14:51 The Crestlands Night
18:47 The Leaflands Night
22:20 The Wildlands Night
26:09 The Winterlands Night
30:14 Hinoeuma Night
35:23 The Sundering Sea Night
39:16 Village of Beastlings Night
42:46 Seaside Town Night
45:49 A Sensational City Night
50:49 Orerush, Dried Up Night
53:56 Cropdale, Village at Peace Night
56:48 Flamechurch, Sacred Light Night
01:01:18 Ku, Land of the Scarlet Sunset Night
01:05:19 Trop hopu, Secret Paradise Night
01:08:52 Roque Island, Full Steam Ahead Night
01:12:26 Beyond the Sands Night
01:15:34 Dear Travelers

Octopath Travelers2 night BGM


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