【オクトラ大陸の覇者】つぶやく老人 4ターン 無限周回 (A2・テリオン無し) Flamegrace Lv100 NPC 4 Turn Infinite (No A2 and Therion)

【オクトラ大陸の覇者】つぶやく老人 4ターン 無限周回 (A2・テリオン無し) Flamegrace Lv100 NPC 4 Turn Infinite (No A2 and Therion)

I was going to record the Strong NPC Trial Floor 1(そびえ立つ強者の試煉1階), but i ran out of tickets and decided to do on the normal NPC instead.

Lynette doesn’t use her Special Move.
Nicola’s Special Move must be at least Lv9.

The NPC’s speed is 357. Tressa’s speed should be 357 or higher to apply the taunt at turn 2. If Odette is Awk 0, which will be slower than the NPC, Tressa doesn’t need to be faster and can apply the taunt at turn 1 then get hit at turn 2.

I forgot to optimize the armor for the video, but you should equip physical armor, mainly for the DPS.


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