Top 10 BEST JRPGs on the Nintendo Switch

Top 10 BEST JRPGs on the Nintendo Switch

“Looking for the best JRPGs on the Nintendo Switch? These 10 games not only deliver epic battles and stunning stories, but they also make the most of the Switch’s portable power! Let’s dive into the top 10 best JRPGs you NEED to play right now!”

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Time Stamp
0:00 Intro
0:27 Persona 4 Golden
0:58 Octopath Traveler II
1:28 Star Ocean: The Second Story R
1:57 I Am Setsuna
2:27 Xenoblade Chronicles
2:58 Persona 5 Royale
3:28 Ni No Kuni
3:55 Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana
4:26 Triangle Strategy
4:54 NieR: Automata
5:28 Wrap Up

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DISCLAIMER: This Content uses Text To Speech this is due to a problem in my throat that I can’t use my voice as of the moment. However, the Video Editing, Research and Scripting are personally done by me and not AI Generated.


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